- Fama-French模型 Fama-French model
- 语言学家弗伦奇(French.F.G.) Linguist French, F. G.
- French(法国的)是个说明国籍的形容词。 French is a gentile adjective.
- CAPM和Fama-French模型的比较研究 The Research of CAPM and Fama-French Model
- 英国人知道而且喜欢的薯条在大西洋对岸被称为french fries。 The chips the British know and love are French fries on the other side of the Atlantic.
- 传统框架主要由有效市场假说(EMH)、资本资产定价模型(CAPM)以及Fama和French的三因素模型(Three-Factor Model)构成; The traditional framework is consisted of EMH, CAPM and the three-factor model of Fama-French.